Saturday, March 31, 2012

Selecting Resources

1) I see where schools are coming from with the BYOD idea. However not all students have access to these technologies. What happens to those students who do not have the  resources to get technologies? Wouldn't this single out those students who can't access the technologies? I believe if schools want to use technologies within the classroom they need to be provided by the school.

2) I do like Pixton, it is a great tool that I have never heard of before. I would incorporate this into the classroom for creative writing. I feel that students would really get into the writing if they can create the scene to go with it. The tool could also be used for me to act out scenarios to explain rules within the classroom.

3) I find it interesting that the salaries range so much. I find that it is interesting that the more education a teacher has the more they get paid, which is realistic. Seeing this inspires me to further my education in teaching. I wouldn't use this is my job search right off because my biggest concern is getting a job. However if I were interested in switching schools I would use the site to search.

4) I believe that the areas that should be cut first are ones that are not necessarily needed. Such as updating technologies. It is more important for me to have books for all the kids to read rather than an iPad in every classroom or a smartboard in every classroom. I believe areas such as reading, writing, math, science and social studies need to be covered before anything else. Then areas such as athletics and fine arts. These are all the core subjects that form a child, technology does not form a child.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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This first video talks about cultures and their language. All of these cultures seem to live on their own, but all cultures are adapted in the same way. Yet all of our cultures are so different. This talk is about the endangered cultures. There is a great language loss. We are used to hearing about endangered species but not endangered culutres. Should our children be educated on the endangering of cultures? Cultures are diversity, language is diversity. Everyone feels that everyone should speak the same language and this affects those cultures who are so small and speak their own language. Should we think again on everyone speaking the same language?

This second video is about embracing others and embracing yourself. It is important for students to know that it is just as important to embrace who they are as an individual as it is to embrace others. We are all individuals who are looking to be accepted in others projections of who we are. It is difficult for people to feel accepted especially those who are looked down on because of race.