Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review: Kindle Fire HD

(Photo taken from Creative Commons)
        For months I had been contemplating which piece of technology I had been wanting to purchase. The battle was kindle vs. Ipad. I wanted something small enough that I could carry around with me (I already have a netbook and hate it, wouldn't advise anyone ever getting it) and a piece of technology that could help me in the classroom as both student and teacher. The ultimate thing for me was price though, being a college student putting $500 into something wasn't really appealing to me or my bank account. In the end my decision was made for me by my boyfriend who bought me a Kindle fire HD for Christmas (completely oblivious to the fact that I even wanted one).

          I am thrilled with my Kindle. There are so many ways I use it and trust me the money was not wasted. The first night I received it I bought more apps than I thought my Kindle could handle. Among the apps I bought one for handwriting/ note taking which come in handy when wanting to write just little notes or a whole lectures notes in class. I also have puzzle apps for my older nephew, who steals my kindle whenever it is in eyesight, hes two. One of my most used apps would have to be watching videos on either the Amazon site or through Netflix(the resolution is amazing and it rarely ever skips, skipping only happens if more than one person is watching Netflix and that's a Netflix issue not Kindle). The speed of the Kindle is excellent(thought at times you do have to clean it out or it will slow down like any device). I can go onto the internet to look something up or download an app and I get there almost instantly, which for being as impatient as I am its quite nice.
(Taken from Creative Commons with permission from author)
           For myself I feel that the kindle is quite user friendly, that is just my opinion though others may find that it can be quite complicated. Most any problem that occurs, lately its just been getting onto internet sources, have been solved quite simply. Anything that needs to be accessed can be found right on the main menu. Some may prefer the Ipad to the Kindle, for them they may choose this because it is a larger version and there are many other apps that they prefer off the Ipad. I'll be honest I like them both. They each do a lot of the same things. For me though I am a reader. I love that I can borrow books from Amazon to read for free or download a book to keep right onto my Kindle and if I have other Kindles I can access them on my account. On the Ipad you can only read it on that Ipad I can't read it on my Ipod or transfer it to another Ipod. That is really why I prefer my Kindle because what if I want to give my mom a book I just read and thought she'd really enjoy it, I'm not going to make her pay for that same book I just bought. Hope you found this review helpful and might even consider the Kindle Fire HD.

Just to show a little comparison:
(Taken from Creative Commons with permission from author)