Sunday, May 12, 2013

Advice to Future Students

Dear Future Students of ED 307,
       Before taking this class I want you to keep an open mind. This course is filled with topics that will be truly helpful in the field of education. Though this only benefits you if you keep your mind open into incorporating them into the classroom.
       Face it here is what you think of technology:
and your uses of these technologies are far from educational. In this class you are able to learn how to use these, well maybe not Facebook to better your teachings. You will also learn how to be ethical in your teachings. 
In the class my favorite piece was skyping with the eighth graders and learning what different types of technologies they actually use in their classroom. This makes the class realistic and opens you eyes to the point of the class. The world is evolving, our students are going to know about technology before us and they are going to be able to use it before us. One item I found really fascinating that the students used was blabberize: 
I wish that I had known how much students really do use technology in classrooms before taking this course the first time, it makes you take the class more seriously.