Saturday, April 14, 2012

Digital Footprints

When I Google myself I find many different things. I find my high school track records, though they are not all that great. I also find my Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook account. I am also surprised to find that there are a few other Shelby Mailmans on Facebook. My Prezi comes up as well as my class blog. I suppose this means that I am not Google-proof.

When I discovered that my Facebook profile was not as private as I thought, pictures could be seen as well as my information, I began to wonder why Facebook claims to be so private, what is their idea of private? Once I found this out I looked deeper into my Facebook to make sure that it was safer, I will also be more aware when I have children to check out the latest social media device that they are safe.

Throughout my use of social media I try to be as conservative as possible. If I would not like my grandparents to see it or my future employers I am not going to post it. This goes for all social  media. I try to keep myself safe from accusations. This is not often hard because I tend to not involve myself in situations that will get me into trouble (for example drinking and smoking). I will maintain this policy in the future because of my future employers and children. I do not believe that friending students is appropriate, I do not really believe in friending parents either, I feel like this is an act that could come back to bite.

The two organizations that I found to be most interesting were the Maine Art Education Association, MAEA . ( I found this to be beneficial because for a fee of $75 you are able to join conferences and get newsletters. This organization brings different sources of art education to teachers and they are able to bring it to their students. The second was National Association for the Education of Young Children, NAEYC ( I found this to be the most beneficial because for a fee of $85-50 teachers are sent newsletters and can attend conferences all about educating younger children. This is beneficial for a teacher of young children. I feel a lot of information could be gained by joining this association.

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