Sunday, February 12, 2012

Digital Tools

In class we have been talking about digital tools and how the apply to Bloom's and SAMR.

One of the tools that I discovered that I would actually use is a website called This site challenges students to take the basics of what they have learned and applying it in different forms.The games on this site challenge the students to get out of the worksheet comfort zone and creatively learn.

One of the tools that I would not use is the site Kids Learning Station. This site is only worksheets that are what the children do over and over again. These worksheets do not challenge the students to analyze, apply or create what they have learned in a new form. These worksheets are only asking the children to remember how to do the same topics over and over. There is no new knowledge being created.

1 comment:

  1. What level of Bloom's or SAMR do the games at meet? Do some games meet a higher level than others?
