Sunday, February 5, 2012

A) Throughout my education we were encouraged to be creative but we were not expected to be creative. In many classes growing up in middle school and highschool we went by the book for our learning. It wasn't until my classes in college that I was encouraged to explore our creativitiy in learning. Exploring and expressing creativity can be done in many ways such as finding  the importance of a subject and defining it, creating an artistic design or through writing. Bloom's Taxonomy requires you to apply, explain or display what you have learned in a way different then you learned it. Bloom's idea of explaining what you have learned  allows for a deeper understanding. By reapplying what you have learned it goes into your long term memory. Technology has not taken a large part in my schooling because it was not readily available to our district.

  • edutopia-  I chose to follow edutopia because it has education information that may be useful.
  • Scotty McCreery- I chose Scotty because I am a huge fan of his.
  • Top Education Tweets- I chose to follow them because they also have useful education information occassionaly.


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  2. What is a specific example? Please re-read the assigned questions and edit your responses for both parts.
