Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lesson Plan

Lemonade Stand
How to run my own Lemonade Stand  

Grade/Subject Area:
2nd Grade Math/Writing

Maine Learning Results/PEI’s/Local Standards:
A. NUMBER: Students use numbers in everyday and mathematical contexts to quantify or describe phenomena, develop concepts of operations with
different types of numbers, use the structure and properties of numbers with operations to solve problems, and perform mathematical computations.
Students develop number sense related to magnitude, estimation, and the effects of mathematical operations on different types of numbers. It is
expected that students use numbers flexibly, using forms of numbers that best match a situation. Students compute efficiently and accurately.
Estimation should always be used when computing with numbers or solving problems.
2 Students understand and use procedures to add and subtract whole numbers
with up to four digits.
b. Use an operation appropriate to a given situation.

Technology Standard:
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers: or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
b.develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
c.customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
d.provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

Instructional Goals:
1. Students will understand basic addition equations.
2. Students will understand basic subtraction equations.

Instructional Objectives:
1. Using Quizlet students will identify amounts of money.
2. Students will be given an activity and play money. This activity is divided into pairs.
3. In pairs the students will set up their “lemonade stands”.

Instructional Design:
Time TeacherStudent
10 minsSet up quizlet on projector.Answer the flashcards on quizlet.
10 minsHand out math activity and money.
Explain that in this activity they need to each set up their pretend lemonade stand and take turns with partners buying and selling lemonade. Stress the importance of students using correct math.
Divide into pairs.
20 minsWalking around observing the equations. In pairs acting out lemonade stands. Should be using correct subtraction and addition equations.
10 mins

Explain how they did their lemonade stand activity in writing prompt.

Lemonade Stand Game:

Google Form:


Lemonade Stand
Its a hot summer in your neighborhood and you decide to set up your own lemonade stand. Your mom has given you a $20 limit to start your stand. You have to buy cups, lemons, ice and sugar. Cups are $0.75 for 25 cups, $1.25 for 50 or $2.00 for 100. Lemons are $0.69 for 10, $1.00 for 20 or $1.69 for 30. Ice is $0.50 for 200 cubes, $1.00 for 300 or $1.25 for 500. Sugar is $1.00 for 4 cups, $1.50 for 8 cups, or $2.00 for 12 cups. Your cups of lemonade sell for $0.50 each.
1 pitcher= 3 lemons +2 cups of sugar+10 ice cubes
1 pitcher= 10 cups

1. What can you get with your $20 for the best deal?

2. How many cups did you sell?

3. What was left over?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Digital Footprints

When I Google myself I find many different things. I find my high school track records, though they are not all that great. I also find my Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook account. I am also surprised to find that there are a few other Shelby Mailmans on Facebook. My Prezi comes up as well as my class blog. I suppose this means that I am not Google-proof.

When I discovered that my Facebook profile was not as private as I thought, pictures could be seen as well as my information, I began to wonder why Facebook claims to be so private, what is their idea of private? Once I found this out I looked deeper into my Facebook to make sure that it was safer, I will also be more aware when I have children to check out the latest social media device that they are safe.

Throughout my use of social media I try to be as conservative as possible. If I would not like my grandparents to see it or my future employers I am not going to post it. This goes for all social  media. I try to keep myself safe from accusations. This is not often hard because I tend to not involve myself in situations that will get me into trouble (for example drinking and smoking). I will maintain this policy in the future because of my future employers and children. I do not believe that friending students is appropriate, I do not really believe in friending parents either, I feel like this is an act that could come back to bite.

The two organizations that I found to be most interesting were the Maine Art Education Association, MAEA . ( I found this to be beneficial because for a fee of $75 you are able to join conferences and get newsletters. This organization brings different sources of art education to teachers and they are able to bring it to their students. The second was National Association for the Education of Young Children, NAEYC ( I found this to be the most beneficial because for a fee of $85-50 teachers are sent newsletters and can attend conferences all about educating younger children. This is beneficial for a teacher of young children. I feel a lot of information could be gained by joining this association.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Needs Assessmemt

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Selecting Resources

1) I see where schools are coming from with the BYOD idea. However not all students have access to these technologies. What happens to those students who do not have the  resources to get technologies? Wouldn't this single out those students who can't access the technologies? I believe if schools want to use technologies within the classroom they need to be provided by the school.

2) I do like Pixton, it is a great tool that I have never heard of before. I would incorporate this into the classroom for creative writing. I feel that students would really get into the writing if they can create the scene to go with it. The tool could also be used for me to act out scenarios to explain rules within the classroom.

3) I find it interesting that the salaries range so much. I find that it is interesting that the more education a teacher has the more they get paid, which is realistic. Seeing this inspires me to further my education in teaching. I wouldn't use this is my job search right off because my biggest concern is getting a job. However if I were interested in switching schools I would use the site to search.

4) I believe that the areas that should be cut first are ones that are not necessarily needed. Such as updating technologies. It is more important for me to have books for all the kids to read rather than an iPad in every classroom or a smartboard in every classroom. I believe areas such as reading, writing, math, science and social studies need to be covered before anything else. Then areas such as athletics and fine arts. These are all the core subjects that form a child, technology does not form a child.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

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This first video talks about cultures and their language. All of these cultures seem to live on their own, but all cultures are adapted in the same way. Yet all of our cultures are so different. This talk is about the endangered cultures. There is a great language loss. We are used to hearing about endangered species but not endangered culutres. Should our children be educated on the endangering of cultures? Cultures are diversity, language is diversity. Everyone feels that everyone should speak the same language and this affects those cultures who are so small and speak their own language. Should we think again on everyone speaking the same language?

This second video is about embracing others and embracing yourself. It is important for students to know that it is just as important to embrace who they are as an individual as it is to embrace others. We are all individuals who are looking to be accepted in others projections of who we are. It is difficult for people to feel accepted especially those who are looked down on because of race.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

IPads in the Classroom

While watching this video I thought of the autistic clients that I work with and how if they had an ipad they might have more independence and active rituals. I believe that the IPad an incredible addition to a classroom for these students who struggle with independent learning. It would be helpful for me as a teacher to have those students doing a similar activity on their IPad as I am working with the rest of the class. It allows that student to work independently giving myself more time to focus on other students rather than struggling with just one. If I could ask Leo's parents one question it would be how has the IPad helped with his learning and education?

My use of mobile technologies are my cell phone and iPod regularly. On my iPod I have puzzle apps and trivia apps that are brain games.  I have not looked before to look for educational apps. However I know that my nephew, age 1, really enjoys the doodling app and has learned how to work the app. He has also learned how to go through the pics on the iPod.

I would recommend Scouts Shapes and Colors Farm ( from leapfrog and TeachMe Toddler ( ) for parents who are about to send there children to school to give them a head start. I would recommend TeachMe Kindergarten ( for those parents who have children starting school to help keep them learning at home. These apps all assist children with learning colors, shapes, letters and numbers. The children are then learning simple addition, subtraction and spelling.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bullying Goes On

It is unreal that bullying continues to worsen and worsen. So many people are part of bullying or being bullied themselves. As a teacher it is important to keep students from bullying because it effects so many lives to the extreme that people are taking their lives.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

my education ideas board..still working on it!


Digital Tools

In class we have been talking about digital tools and how the apply to Bloom's and SAMR.

One of the tools that I discovered that I would actually use is a website called This site challenges students to take the basics of what they have learned and applying it in different forms.The games on this site challenge the students to get out of the worksheet comfort zone and creatively learn.

One of the tools that I would not use is the site Kids Learning Station. This site is only worksheets that are what the children do over and over again. These worksheets do not challenge the students to analyze, apply or create what they have learned in a new form. These worksheets are only asking the children to remember how to do the same topics over and over. There is no new knowledge being created.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A) Throughout my education we were encouraged to be creative but we were not expected to be creative. In many classes growing up in middle school and highschool we went by the book for our learning. It wasn't until my classes in college that I was encouraged to explore our creativitiy in learning. Exploring and expressing creativity can be done in many ways such as finding  the importance of a subject and defining it, creating an artistic design or through writing. Bloom's Taxonomy requires you to apply, explain or display what you have learned in a way different then you learned it. Bloom's idea of explaining what you have learned  allows for a deeper understanding. By reapplying what you have learned it goes into your long term memory. Technology has not taken a large part in my schooling because it was not readily available to our district.

  • edutopia-  I chose to follow edutopia because it has education information that may be useful.
  • Scotty McCreery- I chose Scotty because I am a huge fan of his.
  • Top Education Tweets- I chose to follow them because they also have useful education information occassionaly.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

 I would like you to reflect on a skill or concept that you found challenging to learn. How did you help yourself learn that concept? Did you seek help from other people or resources? Who or what were they? Do you find learning new things to be exciting, stressful, overwhelming, or something else?

A skill or concept that has been most difficult for me to process is self-teaching. I am unable to read a book or an assignment and be able to understand a concept completely. When given an assignment where I am required to do the reading and learn the subject on my own I look to the help of my peers. By talking over a concept it becomes easier for me to process and learn. I would seek the help of peers to ask questions of the topic, peers can be quite helpful when it comes to learning something new. I find that learning something new can be both exciting and overwhelming. I believe that it is important to challenge yourself. 

I have quite a bit of experience with creating portfolios. In high school teachers stressed that we would need to know how to create a portfolio for college and professional requirements. I however do not have any experience with creating an online portfolio. I prefer to have paper to hold onto when creating a portfolio.