Friday, April 19, 2013

10 Things

Having to depict my 10 favorite things is pretty difficult. There are many things that I enjoy but coming up with my 10 most favorite to share is not as easy as I thought it might be. However here they are:
          #1- Post-Its - Simply because there is nothing better than a good post-it. They come in different colors, shapes, designs and sizes.  I have a little collection of my own actually.

        #2- Organization- So its not the funnest thing to think of but I find organizing very soothing and very fun. I'm   a little organization freak, makes working retail a bad idea.

        #3- Colored Markers/ Pens- Writing in black and blue is not on any of my lists ( and i'm a list maker with my post-its). I feel that writing in color makes everything a little more enjoyable.

      #4- Books- I love to read. Its a new found passion of mine. Reading in grade school was always to strict and I never did well with reading what I was assigned. However with my #5 favorite thing, my kindle, reading has become enjoyable again. My #6, watching movies, is also quite easy with my kindle HD. 

      #7- Kitchen Aid- I am a baker, #8 baking, and with my wonderful Kitchen Aid that is constantly being used life is good. 

       #9- Music- Everything is done with music in my house. My family is all very into music and its one thing we all have in common. 

       #10- The HGTV channel- I am obssessed with redesign and everything DIY with houses. My favorite show is Love It or List It, its addicting. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it or List it is the best! I don't have cable, so when I stay somewhere that does (hotel, my parents, etc) I am all over HGTV. I wish they did stuff in Maine. :)
