Friday, April 19, 2013

Current Event- Flipped Classrooms

In the following news article it talks about a 24 year-old teacher who has created a classroom that gets students to use the technology that they have to help them with their education  When students come into the classroom they use their smartphones to scan a code that sends them directly to their assignments for the day.
As an new teacher these are ideas that I could keep in mind to help my students incorporate their technology as opposed to keeping them off from their technology.  Many teachers are afraid to use this approach because they are unsure of technology and think it may hinder the teacher lecturing to students. Though from the courses we are taking now we learn that this is not an effective approach, lecturing, anyway and that educational approaches need to be mixed.
This is important to know because it makes us aware of one teachers approach and educates us on what may work in our own classrooms.

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