Friday, April 12, 2013

5 Things

If there were five things anyone should know about me they are a really simple five things. I'll start with the most obvious one I am a very family orientated person. Coming from a large and crazy family I find that family is one of the most important things in life and they come first in my life especially my two nephews.
This is a photo of the ladies in the family, a few years back but still shows how we are. :)

Second fun fact about me is I am a surprisingly good cook and baker. Which comes in handy because I really enjoy eating food. As a professor of mine once said "There are foodies and there are non-foodies." I am a foodie!

This is some yum pesto chicken with fresh tomato and mozzarella made it myself. 

Third fun fact that one must know about me is I am a little obsessive compulsive when it comes to my organization. In my world everything has its place and I am very adamant about these places being just right. Which leads to my fourth fun fact and that is that I am a control freak. I feel that the first step is admitting it and I do admit I like to have things go my way. 
My last and final fun fact is that music is my escape. There is nothing that can't be solved with a little music, it can even calm my obsessiveness. :) The current song stuck in my head just happens to be the following, thanks to works soundtrack. 
I feel that these five facts are important to know because theses are all me, these make me who I am. I find that these are the most important facts because these are what define my everyday. Hope you enjoyed learning a little about me!

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