Monday, April 15, 2013

Video in the Classroom

Video can be used within the classroom in various ways. It can be a tool to get different students to interact, it can be a tool to teach, and it can be a tool used in various ways.When I was going to school, prior to college, we did not use video in classrooms other than watching a movie or a video. Through this course I have been taught or discovered new ways to bring in video.

One of these ways to bring in video is our 'How To' project that we are working on ourselves. This could be a way for students to alternatively create a way to explain how to do an activity without writing it down or creating the same old power point. Its a way to get students creating new ideas that are unique and original. This is a unique way to assign a project to a group of students however not all students will have what it takes to create this video and some may not be comfortable making this video. An example of a how to video one way:

Video via Youtube How to Tie Shoes

Teachers can also use video to assign homework or to give instructions. This is a unique way for teachers to get the information out there at the ease of themselves. It is one way that the teacher won't have to repeat what the assignment is again and again. This is also helpful for absent students because they can watch the video when they get back or from home. We also use video in college when we have students from other schools taking the same courses, we do this through a similar fashion to skype. 

Northern Lights College Remote Classroom

In today's classrooms there are many ways that we can bring video into our classroom's in ways that benefit ourselves and our students. Today's classrooms are beginning to embrace technology and one of these ways is by bringing in video, in a better sense then watching a movie, that's not the best use of technology.

Panasonic AG HPX171E Camcorder for Hire
Courtesy of AV Hire London

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